Bunyan has pioneered the use of roller screeds in conjunction with pervious concrete. The Bunyan Striker cuts elevation and compresses the concrete at the same time. As it presses downward and forward, material is either swept forward or pressed down to elevation.
The Bunyan Striker roller screed system is robust enough to spin full diameter, full length tubes that other smaller roller screed manufacturers can’t compete with. These tubes offer superior durability and stability in long spans as well as superior compaction of pervious material. In conjunction with the Striker compaction ability, Bunyan offers the Skip Float, our long handled pan finishing system for unmatched flatness and surface durability in pervious concrete.
The Bunyan Striker and Skip Float combination is the best one two punch in placing long life durable pervious concrete available. Along with these tools, Bunyan offer cross rollers and rolling jointers for finishing pervious concrete.
The B.I.R.D. vacuum head is used in conjunction with a sewer vac truck for cleaning and removing heavily impacted materials from pervious concrete.
Bunyan Industries
PO Box 651014
Salt Lake City, UT 84165
Toll Free in US and Canada: 800-228-6926